Inspiring jewish women to maxmize their potential

Discover Eyaht

The Eyhat building in the heart of Jerusalem

Women’s Wisdom
Welcome to the women’s wisdom page, this page is an opportunity for our past students, to offer ideas, stories, experiences or other writing to the site.

Thought provoking and stimulating courses are designed to inspire Jewish women to maximize their potential. Students learn how to integrate Torah into every aspect of their lives and become empowered to achieve personal greatness.
EYAHT College of Jewish Studies for Women, offers a comprehensive, multi-level study program for young women that want to learn about the meaning of life.

Our Next Chapter, A New Vision:

The past few years have presented many challenges for programs in Israel catering to those from abroad. EYAHT is no exception.
In addition to moving our learning online due to covi-19, we mourn the loss of our incredible founder and visionary, Rebbetzen Denah Weinberg, zt”l.
Our programs created for Israelis have continued to thrive, and some of our other programming successfully continued as online learning.
We eagerly await the opportunity to resume programs that ran before covid-19, and to institute changes and new programming that we have been able to work on and develop in the meantime.
With your support, we can begin to recruit students once again in the EYAHT building actively, filling our home with the spiritual energy of female Torah learning, and personal growth.

EYAHT building

The Eyhat building in the heart
of Jerusalem

Women's Wisdom

Welcome to the women’s wisdom page, this page is an opportunity for our past students, to offer ideas, stories, experiences or other writing to the site.



Join the new EYAHT Legacy Club. Set up a monthely giving plan and be part of ETAHT’S future
EYAHT College for Women offers a comprehensive, multi-level study program for young women that want to learn about the meaning of life.

EYAHT College for Women offers a comprehensive, multi-level study program for young women that want to learn about the meaning of life.

Thought provoking and stimulating courses are designed to inspire Jewish women to maximize their potential. Students learn how to integrate Torah into every aspect of their lives and become empowered to achieve personal greatness.

EYAHT, the Aish HaTorah College of Jewish Studies for Women, offers a comprehensive, multi-level study program for Bais Yakov girls that want to learn about the meaning of life.  

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